Rock Trinities: Top 20 Greatest 'Three Album Runs' in Rock and Metal Music

By Ralf Peterstone, from AIB Promotions

What is the greatest three album run by a rock artist? You'd actually be quite surprised at how few bands have released three great albums, consecutively.  Yes, most of the top bands and artists have released a host of great albums, but not usually three in a row.

So, having looked back through the rock and metal years, we've picked out the 20 greatest ever 'three album runs' by rock and metal artists. We haven't messed about here, so, expect only the finest...

20. The Offspring (1994-1998), Smash - Ixnay on the Hombre - Americana

The Offspring created themselves a reputation as one of the leading modern punk-rock outfits in the '90s, with their hugely popular albums Smash and Ixnay on the Hombre. Then they hit commercial success with America, which cemented the band as a household name.

19. Van Halen (1978-1980), Van Halen - Van Halen II - Women and Children First

Van Halen weren't always a glam hair metal band - they actually produced some pretty cool rock and roll in their early years, and although Women and Children First was the beginning of a new direction for the band, their debut record and Van Halen II are two of the best rock albums of that era. 

18. Judas Priest (1978-1980) Stained Glass - Killing Machine - British Steel

We could have quite easily picked three consecutive albums from a number of different eras in the Judas Priest catalog, such is the quality of their work. But, we went for their late '70s offering, because it was the band at their most raw period. Also, how can anyone leave out the classic that is British Steel?

17. Def Leppard (1981-1987), High 'n' Dry - Pyromania - Hysteria

Before Def Leppard become a mainstream powerhouse in the late '80s, they were actually a pretty gritty heavy metal band. Packed with great numbers, and a heavier sound, High 'n' Dry is a real fan favourite, and still regarded as one of the best metal albums of the early '80s. Pyromania was a great follow up, and Hysteria put the icing on the cake.  

16. Nirvana (1989-1993), Bleach - Nevermind - In Utero

Three albums was all it took for Nirvana to be hailed as the biggest grunge band ever. Actually, you could argue it was just one song that did that. "Smells Like Teen Spirit" changed everything, and is still regarded as one of the iconic rock songs. Their 'trilogy' of albums isn't too shoddy, from Bleach in the late '80s, to In Utero shortly before Cobain's passing. 

15. Iron Maiden (1982-1984), The Number of the Beast - Piece of Mind - Powerslave

Much like Judas Priest, you could pick many lots of three great consecutive albums by the mighty Iron Maiden, but we've gone with The Number Of The Beast, arguably the greatest metal album of them all, Piece of Mind, and fan favourite Powerslave.  

14. Deep Purple (1970-1972), In Rock - Fireball - Machine Head

Deep Purple hit a golden period from 1970 to 1972, with arguably three, but definitely two, of the greatest records in rock. In Rock and Machine Head are absolute mammoth albums that mixes it up with the best of them. We might have seen Purps top this list, had Fireball been on the same level as the other two albums. 

13. Bon Jovi (1986-1992), Slippery When Wet - New Jersey - Keep The Faith

Bon Jovi had a golden spell from 1986-1992. They were, at times, untouchable. Slippery When Wet shot them to fame, and New Jersey and Keep The Faith kept them there. Although These Days and Crush were also good albums, they weren't as relevant as the earlier three.

12. Aerosmith (1974-1976), Get Your Wings - Toys in the Attic - Rocks

Aerosmith were actually a very well respected rock and roll band back in the '70s, producing darn good records in that decade. Three of those albums were particularly great, in Get Your Wings, Toys in the Attic, and Rocks. They've never reached those heights since.

11. Marilyn Manson (1996-2000), Antichrist Superstar - Mechanical Animals - Holywood

Antichrist Superstar really put Marilyn Manson on the map as a credible industrial metal band, and Mechanical Animals gave them a stronger commercial standing.  But it's Holywood (In The Shadow Of The Valley Of Death) that many fans rate as the band's strongest album from their vast catalog. 

10. The Jimi Hendrix Experience (1967-1968), Are You Experienced - Axis: Bold As Love - Electric Ladyland

Three great albums from a quite brilliant band. The Jimi Hendrix Experience knew nothing other than creating great albums, and although their time together as a unit was short-lived, the music was nothing short of incredible. All these albums were game changers. 

9. Metallica (1984-1988), Ride The Lightning - Master of Puppets - ...And Justice For All

You could quite easily pick the first three Metallica albums, or go from Master of Puppets to the Black album. Either way, we've gone for their second, third and fourth albums, because they were all quite simply incredibly in their own right, and the band never got close to that level since.

8. The Rolling Stones (1969-1972), Let It Bleed - Sticky Fingers - Exile on Main St.

We'd argue that, from the mid '60s to mid '70s, The Rolling Stones had the greatest ever run of albums of any other band in history. So, it doesn't really matter what three you pick from that ten year period, they'd all comfortably make this list.

7. Led Zeppelin (1971-1975), Led Zeppelin IV - House of the Holy - Physical Graffiti 

Much like some of the other bands on this list, Led Zeppelin had a good run of albums that exceeded just three. You could quite easily pick the first three, or from the second to the fourth. But, we've gone for the iconic Led Zep IV through to Physical Graffiti, as it saw the band at a stage when they'd matured wonderfully into their peak.

6. The Beatles (1967-1969), Sgt. Pepper - The Beatles - Abbey Road

The biggest and most influential band of them all just had to make this list, but which three albums to pick, was the dilemma. Yes, technically, the band released albums that separated the three classics Sgt Pepper, The Beatles, and Abbey Road, but they weren't regarded as 'proper' studio LPs, therefore these three make the cut.

5. The Who (1969-1973), Tommy - Who's Next - Quadrophenia

Sometimes, when you catch a great band in their peak, it's pretty hard to stop them. The Who were pumping out exceptional albums during the late '60s and early '70s, and the three standouts happened to come out one after the other, with Who's Next as the band's ultimate highlight.

4. Black Sabbath (1970-1971), Black Sabbath - Paranoid - Master of Reality

Black Sabbath were releasing nothing but great albums from their birth in 1970 all the way through to the Mob Rules. However, we've gone for the first three records because the debut album was the start of heavy metal, Paranoid is perhaps the greatest metal album in history, and Master of Reality is just, well, awesome.  

3. AC/DC (1978-1980), Powerage - Highway To Hell - Back in Black

There isn't a better rock and roll band that Australia's finest, AC/DC, and from the late '70s to the early '80s, the band were simply untouchable. Powerage, Highway To Hell, and Back in Black aren't just AC/DC's greatest albums, they're probably three of the greatest rock albums ever made.

2. Radiohead (1995-2000), The Bends - OK Computer - Kid A

Radiohead have become one of the greatest British rock bands in history, and much of that success was down to their quite stunning trinity of albums, The Bends, OK Computer, and Kid A. OK Computer is widely considered to be one of the best albums of all time, of any music genre.

1. Pink Floyd (1973-1977), The Dark Side of the Moon - Wish You Were Here - Animals

In The Dark Side of the Moon, Wish You Were Here, and Animals, Pink Floyd produced more great songs than most bands produce in their whole careers. And that's why this quite magnificent trilogy of albums tops our list. Is there a better music album on the planet than The Dark Side of the Moon? You may well think so, but we'll always disagree. 

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